STS Rally Emails, Social Media Materials Coming Soon!
Come back soon. We’ll have 2025 rally materials ready for you to send out, as well as other materials for social media.
In the meantime, follow us on Facebook, X and Instagram to access daily posts.
Download the new 12-page STS study guide for small groups!
We’ve been getting requests for a simple tool that explains why it’s so hard to adequately and fairly support our public schools! This new study guide is perfect for PTA’s, church groups, political clubs, home meetings-any place where public school supporters might come together. Takes no more than 30 minutes to an hour to complete, along with action steps. Includes 5 key questions to ask any and all candidates about their stand on education!
Need a large number of copies? Write us at info@savetxschools and we’ll ship them to you. Otherwise, Click here to download the pdf and print your own copy.
(Updated version for 2025 coming soon!)
One-Page Handout: “How to Find a Pro-Education Candidate”
Download this one-page handout for public meetings. Includes questions to ask candidates, nonpartisan online education surveys, voting records and links to other candidate information.
(Still useful. Updated 2025 version coming soon!)

Links to Other Helpful Websites
Raise Your Hand, Texas. Great resources from this pro-public education organization.
The Equity Center. Up-to-date information on school funding issues
Teach the Vote. Education surveys from candidates running for the state legislature and SBOE (House and Senate information coming soon!)
IDRA-Fair Funding Now! Find out how cuts are affecting local districts around the state.
Make Education a Priority. Join with the hundreds of Texas school districts that have signed the pledge. Make sure your school board members are on board! Great short videos from community partners.
TAMSA. Information about STAAR/EOC and ways that you can fight against the abuse of testing and accountability.
Texas Tribune. General candidate information and news.
Texas Observer. Keep up with news about funding and school support.
Texas AFT and TSTA. Information about school funding and impact of budget cuts on the classroom.
Moak Casey & Associates. Detailed information about school funding and testing from a trusted, nonpartisan source.
The Quorum Report. What the elected officials use to get the latest political news. Complete articles by subscription only.