It’s easy! Just follow the simple and quick steps below.

Contact your Texas state representatives and senators:

1) Copy & paste this sample letter text into your word processing program (or download on Save Texas Schools letterhead below):

Dear _______,

As a Texas voter, I want you to know that our state’s public schools are extremely important to me, my family and my community.

To make sure that we have the public schools our children deserve , I ask you to support these measures immediately:

  • Increase funding for all Texas public schools this session using the basic allotment. The state needs to pay its fair share, not balance school budgets on the backs of local property taxpayers.
  • Revise school finance laws to provide fair and sufficient funding for all Texas students.
  • Say no to vouchers or similar schemes that would divert scarce public dollars to unaccountable private schools and programs.
  • Reduce the amount of time Texas students spend on high-stakes standardized testing. Tests should diagnose, not punish.
  • Reject the flawed A-F rating system for public schools.
  • Use positive, community-based solutions to support and improve struggling schools and students.

Texas students are our future, and their education is the most important public investment we can make. I hope you will agree with me by supporting these critical measures. I expect that you will make education a top priority. I look forward to your prompt response.


(Your Name)
(Your Address)
(Your City, State, Zip)
(Your Phone #)

2) Edit the letter as you like. It’s always good to add a personal touch (but it’s not necessary).

3) Find the names and addresses of your elected representatives. Use the Who Represents Me website: Just enter your street address, city and zip and it gives you everything you need.

4) Send your Letters – Fill in your reps’ names in your letters, print & sign them, address your envelopes, add your stamps, and send them out!

Next… Email Your Reps – Just copy and paste your letter! Emails can be sent using the following format:
First name (dot) last name (@) house (dot) state (dot) tx (dot) us

Finally… Call Your Reps – Just read your letter! Phone numbers are included on the Who Represents Me look-up page above. Click here to look up your reps again.

Contact Governor Greg Abbott

1) Send Gov. Abbot a letter. Simply print out another copy of your letter addressed to Gov. Perry (text above), sign it, and mail it to:

Office of the Governor
P.O. Box 12428
Austin, Texas 78711-2428

2) Send Gov. Abbott an email
through his website (using the same text as your letter is fine):

3) Call Gov. Abbott and state your demands: Just read your letter! Governor’s Citizen Opinion Hotline for Texas callers: (800) 252-9600. Governor’s Opinion Hotline for Austin callers: (512) 463-1782

Contact Lt. Governor Dan Patrick

1) Send Lt. Gov. Patrick a letter. Simply print out another copy of your letter addressed to Lt. Gov. Patrick(sample text above), sign it, and mail it to:

Lt. Governor Dan Patrick
Capitol Station
P.O. Box 12068
Austin, Texas 78711

2) Send Lt. Gov. Patrick an email
through his website (using the same text as your letter is fine):

3) Call Lt. Gov. Patrick and state your demands: Just read your letter! 512 463-0001

When you’ve done this, you can also contact local school board trustees, city and county officials, State Board of Education members, Chambers of Commerce and local PTA representatives to communicate your concerns about underfunding and over-testing.


Thank you for helping to Save Texas Schools!