Register for the April 5th Save Texas Schools Statewide Rally at the Capitol

Regístrese para la manifestación estatal Save Texas Schools del 5 de Abril en el Capitolio

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We’ll be back at the State Capitol on Saturday, April 5th for a huge rally with buses coming from all over the state. This timing is PERFECT with the funding conversation just getting going and the voucher fight still undecided. We need to get the message through loud and clear that Texas public schools need $1,300 per student added to the basic allotment to get back to 2019 funding levels. If funding is held hostage once again (as it was in 2021 and 2023) by the Governor, who seems to be more interested in getting a voucher scheme through that will benefit a few children than doing his job and taking care of the vast majority of Texas children who attend public schools, the situation will be devastating. Districts cannot function on 80% of the 2019 funding (which was still one of the lowest funding levels in the country). Texas has the money in the bank. It has been stolen from schools in 2021 and 2023. It’s time to FUND SCHOOLS NOW!

Important Update (3/1/25): We had a great rally on February 22nd, even with cold and wet weather! 1,200 people came out for an indoor/outdoor event, with 400 in the First United Methodist Family Life Center and 800 packing the FUMC sanctuary. Speakers walked between the two sites, delivering their messages in both places. At 12:30, everyone gathered outside FUMC and headed up to the State Capitol in a huge march, with a 20-minute rally at the South Steps. Savant Moore, Houston ISD Trustee, closed out the rally with a call to action. Videos from the rally are available here, and a full livestream is available on the Save Texas Schools Facebook page. Speakers included U.S. Congressman Lloyd Doggett, TX State Representatives Gina Hinojosa, James Talarico and Lulu Flores, Supt. Georgeanne Warnock of Terrell ISD, Former TX State Rep. Glenn Rogers, Austin ISD Board President Lynn Boswell, Pflugerville ISD Teacher Rena Clegg and many more.

Need to find transportation from your area? Click here to fill out a transportation request. Bus schedules will be coming soon. If you already signed up for a bus from outside the Austin area, we will save your seat for April 5th! Need transportation in the Austin area for April 5th? Bus schedules and sign up will be coming soon.

Directions and Parking:

Take the 12th St. exit in downtown Austin from I-35 to State Capitol. Buses can park on Trinity St., next to 12th St. parking garage. Best car parking is in Capitol Visitors Parking Garage on 12 St. Also, St. David’s Episcopal Church Parking Garage nearby. Numerous public parking garages and street parking are within walking distance. Gather at the South Steps of the Capitol by 10:45 am.

Bus Parking:

Take the 12th St. exit in downtown Austin from I-35 to State Capitol. Buses can park on Trinity St., next to 12th St. parking garage. It is a short walk (5 minutes) to the Texas State Capitol for passengers.

Speakers and Performers for the April 5th rally:

Coming soon!

Connect with transportation from your city:

Let us know if you are organizing a group and have room on your bus, or need transportation from your city, at 512-653-4935. We are able to assist with coordinating bus transportation.

Download STS Rally Flyer

Download STS Rally Flyer (Spanish)

Download STS Bilingual Rally Flyer