Upcoming Events:
STS Rally Planning Meetings, Wednesdays at 6:30 pm by zoom. Open to everyone who is coming to the rally and/or recruiting people to come. Will talk about ways to recruit, how we will follow up in the legislature after the rally and the issues we are focused on. Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83657744115
STS Rally, Saturday, April 5, 2025. 11 am to 1pm at the State Capitol.
Are there events happening in your area that Save Texas Schools could support? Let us know at info@savetxschools.org.
Past Events:
STS Rally, Saturday, February 22, 2025. 11 am to 1pm at the State Capitol.
Post-Rally Training and Next Steps. Saturday, February 22, 2025. 1:30-2:30 at First United Methodist Church Family Life Center. Lunch provided. Next to TX State Capitol on west side.
STS Rally, Saturday, March 25, 2017. 10 am to Noon at the State Capitol.
STS March and Rally, Saturday, April 18, 2015. 10 am to Noon at the State Capitol.
STS DFW Rally, Saturday, March 28, 2015. 10 am to Noon at the Tarrant County Courthouse. Followed by showing of “The Texas Promise” at Central Library Downtown.
Save Texas Schools Houston Workshop, Saturday, May 19, 2013. 9 am to 2 pm. Elsik 9th Grade Center, Alief ISD.
Save Texas Schools Days of Action, May 8-May 29, 2013. Local events throughout the state to encourage voter turnout in the May 29 primary. Contact us at info@savetxschools.org for information about your area.
DFW Save Texas Schools Rally, Monday, December 17, 2012 at 5:30 pm. Richland Hills Community Center, 6000 Hawk Ave., Richland Hills, TX. Contact info@savetxschools.org. for more information.
Click here for event videos.
On March 24, thousands of Texans gathered to let elected officials know that “We’re watching, We Remember and We VOTE!” It’s important that every candidate know that education is an issue that they can’t ignore!
Get inspired by watching the videos. Gather friends and co-workers to talk about how you are going to make sure that EVERYONE who cares about public education turns out to vote in the May 29 primary and in the general election on November 6. Already, Governor Perry and a few fringe groups are calling for even deeper cuts to education in 2013. We do not believe their actions represent the majority of Texans. We can have responsible, efficient government and be responsible to the next generation of Texans.
Thanks to all who attended the Save Texas Schools San Antonio Regional Conference, Feb. 3 and 4, 2012.
Watch video from conference speakers below. Look for workshop videos soon!
Feedback from Attendees at Past Conferences:
“This was a wonderful event. I learned a lot of the smoke and mirrors used by legislators to convince us the budget cuts were not that bad. Really appreciate the representatives who took time to come and talk to us. Let’s organize an event for my area!”
“I learned so much… thank you all for taking the time to organize an informative, positive, and proactive conference that supports the public education learning communities in our great state!”
“I’ve gotta say, the conference was informative and very well done. I enjoyed myself and met many others of like mind. Hopefully all who attended will be able to bring back to their communities information and techniques to protect public education. Thanks to everybody who facilitated, great job. Our cause is just and our will must be strong for the children.”
“There is so much dedication and hard work in the Save Texas Schools’ crowd. Really impressive. Gives me a sense that we can do this for our kids. Thanks to everyone who put such effort into bringing this for the community.”
More Past Events
Save Texas Schools DFW Regional Conference, Sept. 23-24 at the Norris Conference Center in Ft. Worth. Click here for more information.
Save Texas Schools Statewide Conference July 15-16, 2011 in Austin – Click here for details!
Texas AFT / Education Austin Rally – MONDAY, JUNE 6 inside the Texas State Capitol in Austin, 11:30 am. Click here for more details
Rally IN the Capitol Saturday May 21 – Click here for details
WEAR RED FOR PUBLIC ED RALLY – Friday, April 22 – Austin – Where: All along Congress Avenue, Meet at 6th & Congress. When: 11:00am – 12:30pm.
Save Texas Schools Rally at the Capitol – March 12, 2011 – Click here for details.