- February 9, 2025▪
Rep. James Talarico (D-Round Rock) gives a concise and blistering explanation of how the voucher proposal is really "welfare for the rich." From MYSA (Feb. [...]
- February 8, 2025▪
Read this Houston Chronicle article from last summer that talks about the many ways that Houston area districts are being affected by a refusal [...]
- January 14, 2025▪
Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar announced a projected $24 billion budget surplus for the 2026-27 biennium. In addition to almost $30 billion in the Rainy [...]
- January 13, 2025▪
June 8, 2024 The Houston Chronicle reports that Houston area school districts are facing almost $900 million in budget shortfalls for the 2024-25 school year, [...]
- March 26, 2017▪
(To watch the video of this speech, go to the 34:08 mark of the rally video on Save Texas Schools Facebook page). I’ve come here [...]
- March 20, 2017▪
Center for American Progress March 17, 2017 Yesterday, President Donald Trump released his devastating budget for the 2018 fiscal year. It would dismantle public schools through [...]
- March 20, 2017▪
Austin American-Statesman Thursday, March 16 House Appropriations Committee Chairman Rep. John Zerwas, R-Richmond, on Thursday unveiled a new version of House Bill 2, a stop-gap funding [...]
- February 20, 2017▪
Both House and Senate committees are taking steps to fix our broken school finance system. The Senate effort is chaired by Senate Education Committee Chair Larry [...]
- April 17, 2015▪
April 16, 2015: Save Texas Schools explains why we are rallying about underfunding and over-testing, using a fable about the land of Tejas, called "Time [...]
- April 13, 2015▪
Join STS Twitter at @savetxschoools and post your blog using #WhyIRally about why YOU are coming to the rally on April 18! Here's a post [...]