Let’s stand up against over-testing of our students!

While we’re cutting funding, we’re adding even more standardized tests! With testing activity now taking up to 45 days each school year, testing is out of control. What can we do?

Save Texas Schools asks our legislature to take a second look at high-stakes testing that is draining both time and resources from the education of Texas children.

Is Texas’ Accountability System Broken?

Texas’ growing overemphasis on standardized testing is depleting valuable classroom instruction time and diminishing students’ development as critical thinkers able to meet the challenges of an increasingly complex world. Parents, teachers, school district administrators and business leaders across Texas have expressed mounting frustration and concern as over-testing takes the place of teaching and learning. Many now agree with Texas Commissioner of Education Robert Scott who recently called the state’s current standardized testing regime “a perversion of the original intent.”

Though trailing nationally by nearly every other academic measure, Texas now leads the nation in the amount of time our students lose to standardized testing. But we don’t need a next generation of accomplished test takers.  We need well-rounded young adults with the capacity to analyze and solve problems, to create and innovate.

Save Texas Schools believes it is time to reevaluate the role of standardized testing on our campuses and apply common sense limits. Test results should be used to target areas for improvement, not punish individual students and schools.  Let’s make Texas lawmakers accountable for an “accountability” system that really works!

About the new STAAR Tests

Top Ten Problems with STAAR

Get Active! To join a growing group of parents and business owners concerned about the new STAAR assessments and over-testing, visit the TAMSA (Texans Advocating for Meaningful Student Assessments) Facebook page.

Clear Creek Testing Resolution

Over 350 Texas school districts have signed on to a resolution against the current regime of standardized testing originated by Clear Creek ISD. The resolution is now turning into a national movement!

Click here for a copy of the Clear Creek ISD resolution.

Click here to add your name to the national resolution against over testing.